
Ilmatar Energy, a Finnish company that builds and owns renewable energy facilities is in the process of developing a 200-megawatt wind farm in Virrat in…

Please enable cookies to view this content (read more). This is our feature week on the Energy Markets and so it’s a special edition of…

EIT InnoEnergy, the innovation engine for sustainable energy across Europe, is partnering with Siemens Energy to commercialise and scale cleantech innovations. The companies will look…

Doubling the global capacity of renewables is critical to ensuring energy security. As countries are struggling to secure enough energy supplies to stave off the…

Hemp has the potential to make Scotland’s agricultural sector carbon neutral as well as providing “huge” economic benefits, a new report has found. Scientists say…

Global offshore wind continues to grow, with an estimated 135GW of new capacity on offer to developers. New analysis from Westwood Global Energy Group estimates…

The government has today unveiled new legislation to protect homes and businesses against volatile energy prices. The Energy Prices Bill, introduced in Parliament today, provides…

The site of a former Royal Navy Armaments Depot in Pembrokeshire, Wales, will be transformed into a clean fuel hub for buses, Heavy Goods Vehicles,…

264 EV sockets installed at the site in Edinburgh for NatWest staff and visitors The installation is part of a five-year partnership between EQUANS and…

The UK and France are in talks on taking joint control of the Sizewell C plant in Suffolk. The 3.2GW plant is predicted to produce…

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